We are a Young Adults ministry that desires young people to live for Christ. We want to bring lost souls into the kingdom of God. We want to make disciples of Jesus Christ and spread the gospel into the world. We desire to help grow your faith in Jesus Christ and build friendships centered on Christ!


How do you grow spiritually? And how do you take others with you?

What are the greatest problems in faith today? Why are many falling away? “If the mind is deceived, the battle is lost.” — we are in a battle for our kids, for faith…

John 20:30 Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of His disciples which are not recorded in this book.

Do you want to see the other miraculous signs Jesus is performing? Because He will and He is performing them.

John 2:11 This, the first of His miraculous signs, Jesus performed at Cana in Galilee. He thus revealed His glory, and His disciples put their faith in Him.

If you want to see the other miracles of God around you, tap in to what is already happening, have faith, and take action.

What happened to Jesus’ disciples after this?

They went on to STAND OUT!

And He calls us to do the same!

In both of these verses I want to emphasize the word “signs”: John always refers to Jesus’ miracles as ‘signs,’ …a word emphasizing the significance of the ACTION rather than the MARVEL.

Do you want to be in awe of God and stay there, or do you want to get in on the action?

Yes, we are to be in awe of God, but how and why? It's because we’ve placed ourselves (an action in itself) into the context of the miraculous.

  • We are praying every day for someone else.

  • We are praying every day, asking for God to place someone in our path.

  • We are seeking God every day, asking for His wisdom in our lives.

These things are not happening, so we are not seeing the miracles.


Young adults